Despite being a relatively common skin condition that affects as much as 1 out 5 people, rosacea is a condition that’s often misunderstood or incorrectly diagnosed.
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It goes without saying that we all know smoking isn’t that great for you. After all, there are countless negative health effects that it wreaks on your body.
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It’s only natural to wonder what else you’re putting on your skin that could ruin future photos. Since sunscreen tends to be oily, many people are right to question its contribution to your skin’s overall health.
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At a certain point, you reach a point where you have to decide whether to shave your beard and keep it going. It helps to know how much it will take to get it to where it was once you start, and there’s a standard timeline to help you out.
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You’ve finally gotten the perfect beard. All the hard work you put into lining up your facial hair paid off, so the last thing you want to do is ruin it by constantly scratching and picking at it.
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Most people typically associate acne with teenagers. However, it’s a skin problem that can follow you into adulthood. It doesn’t necessarily mean you’re eating a bunch of greasy food. Acne can be hereditary, but that doesn’t mean you have to live with it, especially when pimples pop up around your beard.
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There are a lot of myths out there concerning shaving. A lot of people think shaving will eliminate their tan when the opposite has actually proven to be true.
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It’s an age-old question. Should you or should you not shave your beard. It takes months to grow but minutes to shave away. So if you’re on the fence about ripping away your whiskers, keep these points in mind.
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When you decide to grow out your beard, it instantly becomes the most prominent feature on your face. You want to keep beard acne to a minimum, and you need to figure out what style works best for you.
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Let’s get it out of the way: you’re not the first, and you’re certainly not the last to wonder how to grow out your hair faster.
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