How to Grow Hair Faster for Men | 5 Tips

Let’s get it out of the way: you’re not the first, and you’re certainly not the last to wonder how to grow out your hair faster.
While there’s absolutely nothing wrong with rocking the bald look, you may find yourself in a situation where you want to grow your hair faster.
Whether it’s because your barber took off a little too much, or you simply want to try a different hairstyle that’ll make you feel more confident flirting with the girls.
To be clear, there’s nothing that will make you grow gorgeous (facial) hair in a couple of days. However, with a little determination and effort, you can make steady progress starting right now!
Ready to get started? Here are our 5 easy steps to help you grow your hair faster!
How Hair Grows for Men
Credit: Fantastic Sams
Before we cover how to grow your hair faster, let’s have a quick recap about the science behind hair growth.
The hair follicle is the part that actually attaches your hair to the scalp, and includes the papilla, which sends blood to your hair follicle so that it stays healthy and keeps growing.
It’s estimated that you have around 5 million hair follicles--which is why you can easily lose up to 100 hairs a day throughout your hair growth cycle!
The second part is the hair shaft, which is what you actually see. It’s composed of keratin, and is protected by a cuticle.
Various factors play a role in hair growth, including genetics and age (it grows fastest when you’re between 15-30), and grows at about 6 inches per year.
There are 3 stages in the hair growth cycle, with the anagen phase the important one.
That’s the “active” hair phase, when your cells are dividing at their quickest, pushing hair up and out the follicle.
The longer your hair stays in the anagen phase, the more it will grow (which is why your scalp hair grows more than your leg or arm hair!)
Is it Possible for Men To Grow Hair Faster?
Credit: Mens Dept
It absolutely is! While genetics will dictate how fast it grows to a certain extent, there’s plenty that you can do to naturally boost your hair growth for men. Of course, being patient is key.
1. Get Plenty of Sleep
That’s right: sleep affects your hair growth! When you get a good night’s sleep, your body releases enzymes and growth hormones that play a crucial role in your hair health!
On top of that, getting enough sleep helps you get enough protein synthesis, directly affecting your body’s ability to help your hair grow--so get that shut-eye!
2. Be Gentle With Your Hair
This one might seem fairly obvious, but don’t be too rough with your hair. This can lead to excess hair falling out, far beyond what’s healthy.
While it’s important to stimulate your scalp, if you’re not gentle with it, you can physically damage your hair, leading to thinning and destroy your hard progress!
3. Reduce Stress Through Exercise
Exercise can actually help your hair growth in two different ways! First, exercise helps with growing your hair faster through blood flow and circulation increase.
More importantly, stress plays a big role in determining if men can grow their hair faster. High stress levels have been directly correlated to hair loss (such as with telogen effluvium).
Focus on taking a proactive approach to reducing your stress by getting 30 minutes of exercise at least a couple of times a week: hit the gym, go for a run, or follow workouts online!
4. Eat Healthier
Like we mentioned already, nutrition is important if you want to grow your hair faster as a guy!
There are various foods that can help with hair growth and having strong healthy hair, including biotin-rich foods such as eggs, meat, or nuts. Other options include fatty fish and foods fortified in vitamin D.
5. Focus on Using a Conditioner in the Shower
Yes, we said conditioner, not shampoo. Conditioners help to replace the lipids and proteins in your hair, and provide extra moisture to your hair.
This is especially important since dry hair doesn’t grow faster, and shampoos can often strip your hair of necessary oils. As a general rule, try not to shampoo too often!
And that’s it: with these easy steps you’ll be well on your way to growing your hair faster as a guy!
Once you’re rocking that gorgeous (facial) hair, be sure to follow our tips on how to line up your beard or how to soften your beard hair to keep it looking top-notch. Good luck!
WebMD. (2010). “Science of hair: Hair growth cycle and how hair works.” WebMD.
Barrell, A. (2019). “What to know about hair growth.” Medical News Today.
Klikita, J. (2018). “Does a lack of sleep stunt hair growth?” Refinery29.
Hall-Flavin, Daniel K., MD. (n.d.) “Can stress cause hair loss?” Mayo Clinic.
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