Coconut oil has many practical uses outside of cooking. With antiseptic properties, it’s actually a great at-home remedy for razor burn. It also softens beard hair.
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Coffee is a staple of many people’s mornings. It might even be a staple for your morning. However, while there are health benefits to drinking coffee in moderation, drinking coffee in excess might cause skincare problems.
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There are plenty of reasons to be stressed these days, but can stress cause acne? The last thing you want is for your anxiety to result in poor skincare. While many people are quick to say that stress causes acne, the actual connection is a bit more nuanced than that. Here’s what you need to know so that you can ensure your skin always looks its best.
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Is it possible that Adderall can cause acne? There are some speculations that this could be the case. While there isn't conclusive evidence at the moment that Adderall plays a direct role in breakouts, the link between Adderall and acne is still being investigated since people have reported pimples and zits after taking Adderall.
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Tomatoes are incredibly healthy, which is why it’s kind of a good thing your average American eats between 22 and 24 pounds of tomatoes annually. However, tomatoes may have some drawbacks. While you wouldn’t think a vegetable would be bad for you, you need to watch how many you’re consuming because they have been linked with acne outbreaks in certain individuals.
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Can almonds cause acne? From greasy fast food to sugary chocolate, your diet is one factor when it comes to breakouts. It makes sense to wonder what other foods could result in blemishes, and some people have begun to suspect that almonds could play a role.
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For years, people have long assumed dairy products have resulted in acne. You may think that in order to avoid an outbreak of zits, you need to put down the glass of milk and find an alternative to cheese with crackers. However, recent research indicates this belief is only partly true.
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While a lot of people love working up a sweat when they go to the gym, many individuals worry about the act of sweating exacerbating acne issues. However, it’s important to note that sweating itself does not cause acne. Exercising and sweat does cause a lot of bacteria to build up on the skin, and if you allow it to stay on your skin without washing it, then that could increase...
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Does testosterone cause acne? Acne can come from many sources. Genetics, diet, and certain medications can all play a role. However, if you’re susceptible to acne breakouts, then you may want to look inward to see if the cause is caused by hormonal levels. More specifically, you want to look to see whether fluctuations in your testosterone have caused irritation on your skin. The only way to be sure this...
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Lack of sleep can cause many problems to the body. But does lack of sleep cause acne? Here at Stryx, we’re here to answer any of your questions that you might have about your skin. Thus, we’ll be examining the link between sleep deprivation and skincare. Let’s get started!
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