Getting a Manicure for Men | 5 Reasons Guys Should Do It

When it comes to getting a manicure, most guys probably think that’s just something their girlfriends or wives get. They may have to pay for it every once in a while, but it’s primarily seen as a feminine activity.
However, that’s not the case, and it’s about time the stigma against men getting manicures was thrown in the trash. It’s perfectly acceptable for guys to get their nails professionally done, and there are some good reasons why you should consider it.
Why Men Should Get Manicures
A manicure does more than make you feel as clean and healthy as possible. It provides you with numerous benefits so that you look and feel your best.
Improves Nail Health
There are numerous painful conditions that can afflict your nails, from infections to hangnails. Getting frequent manicures helps strengthen your nails and the skin around them to keep them nice and clean.
The only caveat to this is if you decide to apply nail polish, which can dry out the skin, resulting in discoloration. Many nail polish products have been found to contain toxic ingredients, so make sure you opt for the all-natural, organic options.
Nail Care Helps Overall Hand Health
During the manicure process, your hands will receive exfoliation to get rid of any dead skin cells. A buildup can lead to issues down the road, such as ingrown nails and hangnails.
Boosts Blood Circulation
Part of a manicure involves a massage, which assists with blood flow. This has numerous benefits, especially if you work with your hands often or suffer from particularly cold hands.
This is true even if you spend all day typing on your computer for work. A gentle massage helps boost blood flow, alleviating soreness.
It’s particularly helpful during the winter when your hands may be too cold. It can be difficult for blood to flow to your extremities, and a massage helps blood get to the tips of your fingers.
Helps Your Relax & De-Stress
At the end of the day, manicures are simply relaxing. You receive a gentle massage, which helps lower blood pressure and decrease anxiety levels.
If you decide to get someone to do a manicure for you, look into someone who specializes in reflexology techniques. This targets pressure points on your hands to send calming signals to your brain.
Keeps Your Nails Clean
Dirty nails never look good on anyone. Dirt and discoloration will gross out your partner, and it can even show up on photographs.
Whether you’re married or still on the dating scene, you want to impress your partner at all times with exceptional grooming.
Makes Your Hands Look Younger
Your hands reveal your age as much as your face. UV rays can impact your hands, leading to wrinkles and age spots. While a manicure can’t get rid of those, they can reduce the signs of aging in other ways.
For instance, the manicurist can exfoliate dead skill cells to offer a more even skin tone. They can also incorporate lotion to hydrate and enhance the skin barrer on your hands.
How to Get a Manicure for Men
You can certainly go to a professional for a manicure. In this instance, you just sit back and relax while a professional takes care of everything. But you can follow these steps to give yourself a manicure.
Step 1: Clip Your Nails
First things first, you need to trim your nails. You should clip only the white parts of your nails.
Ideally, you’ll use as few clips as possible. Doing extra ones can result in an uneven edge that increases your chances of getting hangnails.
Step 2: Use a File to Smooth Out the Edges
In the event there are any edges, you want to smooth those out. Get a nail file and sand the nail until it’s smooth all the way across.
You want to round the top of the nail, only stopping when you start to feel it touch your fingertip. Take your time so that you don’t injure any part of your fingers.
Step 3: Cut Any Excess Cuticle
The cuticle is the part where the nail meets the skin. You don’t want to rip this off with your fingers, asi t can result in swelling and bleeding.
Use a cuticle stick to push them back gently toward your finger nail.
Step 4: Moisturize the Cuticle
Another way to avoid hangnails is to moisturize your cuticles. This prevents them from getting dry and having skin crack off.
You can use a cuticle oil or cream after washing your hands. Just make sure you don’t use anything containing harsh chemicals as this will only further dry out your skin.
Step 5: Hydrate Your Hand
Finally, you want to hydrate your hands to prevent the entire appendage from drying out. Apply a hand lotion that soothes any remaining dry skin. It will also heal nicks that may have occurred while giving yourself a manicure.
Ideally, you’ll use ap product containing shea butter, Vitamin E, and jojoba. A lightweight formula will absorb quickly so that your skin stays hydrated.
“What are the Benefits of a Manicure & Pedicure?” Meridian College, 11 Dec. 2020.
Verstraete, Becca. “This Nail Salon In Los Angeles Specializes In Manicures For Men.” Buzzfeed, 13 Feb. 2017.
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