How to Make a Girl Smile | 5 Ways to Make Her Happy

Here you are: you’ve managed to successfully flirt with the girl you like, and you’ve even gotten the girl to kiss you. Things are going well, and you’re both happy with where things are headed.
But at the same time, if you want to keep the spark alive and enjoy that nice honeymoon feeling, you do need to put some work in, so both of you remain happy with each other in the long term!
Smiling releases serotonin, a neurotransmitter that makes you feel happy, as well as other feel-good chemicals like endorphins, meaning you’ll make your girl more relaxed and cheerful, which is great for both of you!
On top of that, a Swedish study showed that smiling is contagious, basically creating a feedback loop where you’ll both be smiling, happier, and more relaxed!
So how do you actually make your girlfriend happy? If you feel like you’re short on inspiration for making your girl smile, no need to worry!
We’ve eliminated the guesswork for you with 5 sure-fire steps to make your girlfriend smile!
Making a Girl Smile
Credit: YourTango
1. Buy Her Flowers
While this is probably one of the oldest techniques in the book, it’s hard to go wrong with buying her flowers! But how do you make it extra personal and show her that you really care?
First, you need to avoid getting her flowers only for big events, or as a make-up gift. While they can be useful there, if the only time you ever get your girlfriend flowers are on her birthday, Valentine’s Day, or after an argument, then you’re shooting yourself in the foot.
Next, pay attention to what she likes. Yes, roses are always a safe option, but if she ever expresses interest in a specific bouquet, or certain colors, make a note of that!
Still not sure? Just ask the florist for some advice, and if you feel like your girl would appreciate it--and is up for it--get her some flowers that she could grow in the long run!
2. Support Her Ambition
We all have things that we’re passionate about, and having someone be there to encourage us along the way can make a world of difference.
One way you can definitely make your girlfriend feel appreciated, heard, and loved is to support her in her ambitions, goals, and dreams.
According to research, when romantic partners help encourage their significant others to meet their goals, they’re more likely to do so!
This doesn’t have to be explicit or over-the-top, like saying, “I support everything you do,” which can come off as trite, but actually listening to what she needs and reacting to it.
Some ways you can support her include taking time to encourage her, actively listening when she’s telling you something that’s important (and remembering it!), or going out of your way to make her day a little easier.
3. Plan Spontaneous Dates With Her
While it’s great to have traditional dates, like a movie and dinner where you bring on your best flirting game, planning spontaneous dates is key to spicing things up.
To make it extra special (or better said, unique!), try to come up with some date ideas that involve little, or no money.
Need some ideas? Here’s some to get your creative juices flowing!
Try going to IKEA for a day and imagining what your dream house would look like, without actually having to make commitments.
Another idea is to go to the park or a busy street corner where you can relax and just go people-watching watch for a few hours, and make up stories about all the characters strolling by.
And finally, keep an eye out for cool free nights in your local area: from comedy nights, to spoken word, to art showings, to game nights--the possibilities are endless!
By making a little bit of effort, you’ll really show your girl that you care.
4. Compliment Her Looks
While you may think that you already tell your girl that she’s pretty, or hot, or beautiful, take a few moments to actually reflect on why you find her so attractive--and then let her know.
Do you find her eyes gorgeous? Tell her that. What about her hair? Let her know.
You can also take it beyond her physical appearance, and tell her how attractive it is when she does something, like when she dances.
Finally, if there’s something she’s a little self-conscious about, you can subtly let her know that you find that really attractive.
5. Make Her Laugh
This may seem a little redundant, but perhaps it’s the most important one of all! If you and your partner are comfortable with each other to truly be yourselves and laugh together, you’re well on your way to a good relationship!
Making her laugh doesn’t mean you need to be a comedian: it can be as simple as pulling funny faces while you’re killing time together, dancing to trashy music at 1 a.m., or anything in between.
At the end of the day, by being confident enough to fail (such as doing an activity you might not be good at), or just having fun flirting--and above all--being yourselves, you’ll have a healthy relationship.
Best of luck!
Dimberg, U., Söderkvist, S. The Voluntary Facial Action Technique: A Method to Test the Facial Feedback Hypothesis. J Nonverbal Behav 35, 17–33 (2011).
Fitzsimons, G. M., & Finkel, E. J. (2010). Interpersonal influences on self regulation. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 19, 101-105.
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