10 Proven Ways to Grow a Thicker Mustache

Do you have dreams of being the next Sam Elliott or Tom Selleck? Have you always wanted a mustache that makes people stop in their tracks to look and stare?
Growing the perfect mustache requires a lot more work than simply not shaving for a long time. You need to take care of your facial hair.
Fortunately, there are ways you can make your mustache look its best.
Causes of a Patchy Mustache
There are four primary causes of patchy facial hair. They include:
- Alopecia
- Age
- Genetics
- Hormonal imbalances
As far as age and genetics, there’s not much you can do to control that. For some men, growing a thick mustache is easier than for others. But everyone should follow these steps for getting fuller bristles.
How to Grow a Thicker Mustache
Some of these tips may work better than others. It’s for the best to try as many of them as possible to see what works for you.
10. Just Let It Grow
Contrary to popular belief, shaving doesn’t make facial hair grow thicker. So you’re not doing yourself any favors by shaving all the time.
If you want a big mustache, you simply have to let it grow. It gets unwieldy after a certain length of time, but you can always tame it later.
9. Use Mustache Wax
After a while, your mustache will be so big that it gets into your mouth. To avoid complications while eating, use mustache wax to veer it off to the side.
If your mustache doesn’t cause you any problems, you’re less likely to shave the thing off in a fit of rage.
8. Make Sure You’re Filling Up on the Right Nutrients
Your facial hair needs the right nutrients to thrive. You should make sure you’re getting the recommended daily dose of calories for someone in your age, height, and weight class.
You also want to ensure you’re getting enough of the right vitamins that support hair growth. These include Vitamins A, D, E, and K2. You also want sufficient copper, magnesium, iodine, zinc, and selenium.
7. Use a Beard Roller
One of the least scientific ways to get fuller facial hair (that some men swear by) is to use a beard roller. This device consists of a ton of tiny needles that supposedly ramp up collagen production, which in turn aids your mustache.
However, you should avoid a microneedling if you have beard acne. It may worsen that condition.
6. Try Different Mustache Styles
With your handy-dandy mustache wax, you can try styling your facial hair once it’s long enough. This will give you an idea of all the different fun shapes your mustache can come in.
It can even give you an idea of what you’re striving for and why you should continue allowing the hair to grow out.
5. Use Supplements
Remember what we said earlier about nutrients? In the event you’re not getting enough of them from your diet, you may want to consider a supplement.
Before buying any old supplement, make sure you check the ingredient list for the nutrients mentioned above. Those specifically will help with facial hair growth.
4. Try Minoxidil
Minoxidil is an over-the-counter hair loss medication that’s designed to help men grow hair on their scalps. However, it may have advantages when it comes to facial hair.
You should consult with your doctor before using minoxidil to grow a fuller mustache. It does come with side effects, so you want to consider those before going all in.
3. Experiment With Mustache Wax
Once your mustache is long enough, you can try having some fun with it. Experiment with wax to turn your facial hair into all sorts of fanciful shapes. You can give yourself a handlebar mustache or opt for some nice hooks.
2. Start Using Beard Oil
Beard oil works just as well on your mustache area. It softens and strengthens the hairs, and some of them even provide essential nutrients.
It also leaves your mustache smelling great, which is good if you plan on doing any kissing later.
1. Brush Your Mustache Everyday
No one wants a tangled mustache. You want it to look like you care about your appearance, so groom every day. You should make it part of your daily regimen so that you venture forth into the world looking like you’ve worked hard on your mustache rather than looking like you forgot to shave that morning.
Hurley, Adam. “How to Grow a Mustache—And Really Pull it Off.” GQ, 18 Nov. 2020. https://www.gq.com/story/how-to-grow-a-mustache
Whelan, Corey. “The Many Benefits of Beard Oil and How to Use It.” Healthline, 20 Jun. 2019. https://www.healthline.com/health/does-beard-oil-work-2
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