10 Tips and Tricks to Grow a Long Beard and Mustache

Many men dream of having a long beard and mustache. They think it’s the ultimate thing to have in masculinity.
Some men can certainly pull it off, but there’s a long way to go in order to attain such a feat. If you need some help in that area, just follow these tips for getting the most majestic beard possible.
How to Grow a Long Beard
Learning how to grow a long, thick beard is truly an art. For some men, it comes easier than others. But if you need some assistance, here are some tips to help you along the way.
10. Let It Grow
Facial hair goes through several stages. You may not like how it looks initially but give it time.
It will give you a baseline of where your beard’s at. And it will show you how patchy (or not patchy) it is once it’s fully grown.
9. Don’t Trim Your Mustache
Along those lines, you don’t want to trim your mustache either. Similarly, this is how you establish a foundation.
8. Brush Your Beard Consistently
As your beard grows longer, you may notice that it has a few stray bends or curves. Brushing consistently not only makes it look longer, but it also trains to hairs to want to do that.
This also ensures you have an even beard that requires no trimming. This is a good hack for making your beard grow faster.
7. Condition With Beard Oil Consistently
Ideally, you should use a beard oil between three and five times a week, depending on your skin type. Ultimately, you want to give your skin a break from the constant cleaning daily.
You should start using beard oil early in your facial hair’s growth. That’s why when you get the feeling to shave, you should let it grow.
A properly conditioned beard is the only way for it to reach its fullest potential.
6. Shave and Trim Edges for an Even Result
As your beard grows, you may notice a few odds and ends. These can distract from the rest of your glorious facial hair.
It’s one thing to have a long beard. You ultimately want a tame one. Keep up with maintenance so that it looks like you’ve trained your beard rather than allow your facial hair to grow out of control.
5. Use Beard Shampoo Daily
You want to use a specific beard shampoo, not just the same shampoo you use on your head. You start by applying a small amount to your beard in the shower and work it into a gentle lather.
Rince your beard thoroughly. Ideally, you’ll follow this up with a beard softener, which is essentially conditioner for your beard. You may also want to consider a high-quality beard balm to help you control your hairs.
4. Develop a Skincare Routine Early
Part of maintaining your beard involves maintaining the skin underneath. To prevent acne from forming, you should moisturize your skin daily.
This should start at the beginning of your beard journey. It will get harder as your beard grows thicker, but you still want to give your skin the attention it deserves.
3. Use a Beard Comb Too
Just like with everything else, you want a special comb just for your beard. To do this, guide the comb through toward the thin and away from the middle of your face to separate the hairs.
Work the comb slowly toward your cheeks until all of your facial hairs point away from your face. Combing up helps separate the hairs so that they’ll lay flat later.
2. Moisturize With Beard Cream
For a healthy beard, apply your moisturizer immediately after washing. You want to ensure the cream makes it all the way through your beard and onto the skin.
Massage the moisturizer through your beard but avoid using too much, which will lead to a greasy look. You can always add more if you need it.
1. Learn How to Safely Blow Dry a Beard
After you shower, you’ll want to dry your beard off. To do this safely, set the temperature to medium. And keep the blow dryer six to seven inches away from your facial hair.
And move the blow dryer frequently, ensuring you don’t stay in one spot for too long. And as you blow dry, make sure you comb your beard, getting rid of any knots or tangles.
Hurly, Adam. “How to Use Beard Oil to Keep Your Whiskers Moisturized and Itch-Free.” GQ, 15 May 2020. https://www.gq.com/story/how-to-use-beard-oil
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