How Long Does it Take to Grow a Full Beard? Tips & More

It’s natural to want a thick, luxurious beard. It’s also natural that you may grow a bit impatient waiting for it to grow in.
Every man is different, but generally, you should expect it to take several months for your beard to come in. In the meantime, there are steps you can take to ensure your beard looks and feels its best.
How Long Does it Take to Fully Grow a Beard?
For a nice, thick beard, it will take most men between two and four months. This is due to the fact that facial hair tends to grow at a rate of 0.3 to 0.5 millimeters every day.
The 4 Beard Growth Stages
Your beard doesn’t come in all at once. There are various growth stages to be aware of so that you know where you are along your journey.
Stage One
Stubble is the first stage, and it lasts approximately the first seven days you go without shaving. You may be tempted to shave at this point due to rumors of how shaving helps hair grow faster, but that’s a myth.
Stage Two
The next two weeks will show off some patchiness. A little’s to be expected, but it will generally give you a good idea if you can expect further patches when the beard is further along.
There’s not a ton you can do about this, but a change in your beard’s direction may help cover up some bald spots.
Stage Three
The following two weeks give you sufficient facial hair. By this point, you’ll have a good idea of whether you can grow a full beard or if you should stick to shaving regularly.
Stage Four
Between two to four months, you’ll have a fully-grown beard. Beard growth tends to slow down at this stage, so you can figure out if you want to stay the course or if it’s not as long as you would like it.
Why Does Growing a Beard Take So Long?
Every man’s beard journey is different. Some guys may sport an impressive beard in a couple of months while other guys have to wait much longer to see some results.
It all comes down to a litany of factors you generally don’t have a ton of control over.
To get a good idea of what your beard could look like, look at the men in your family. Do they grow long beards, or is everyone clean-shaven?
Your family history also impacts other potential health problems that could arise, such as whether you’re prone to having dry skin under your beard.
Beard growth tends to occur around puberty. It’s why kids in high school suddenly need to shave every day.
However, while some guys can grow a beard before they’re 16, it may take other men well into their 30s before they can enjoy the same type of results.
Your testosterone levels impact facial hair growth. If you’re low, you’ll have a harder time growing out your beard.
This is similar to genetics, but your ethnicity can impact what type of facial hair you get. For example, men from the Mediterranean region tend to have thicker beards than others.
Tips to Grow a Beard Faster
There are many ways to aid in facial hair growth if you’re impatient. These steps are in addition to utilizing a proper haircare regimen, such as using beard balm, oils, and other products to soften your hair.
Maintain a Proper Diet
In general, you should maintain a healthy diet filled with plenty of fruits and vegetables. However, if you’re primarily concerned with facial hair growth, then you want to focus on foods filled with vitamins A, B, and C.
That means a diet filled with the following.
- Lean protein like salmon and chicken
- Avocados
- Nuts and chickpeas
- Whole grains
- Iron
Actually Grow it Out
You can trim and line up your beard to give it a better aesthetic, but you need to give it time to grow out. Give it a few months before resorting to other methods.
Sleep 8 Hours and Relax
Stress and insufficient sleep can negatively impact your hormonal levels. Make sure you’re getting eight hours of rest nightly and avoiding stress triggers.
With these tips in mind, the only thing you should have to worry about are pesky beard tanlines.
Etudo, Margaret. “Can a person speed up beard growth?” Medical News Today, 11 Jul. 2022.
Whelan, Corey. “How to Grow a Beard Faster.” Healthline, 5 Dec. 2018.
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