Alcohol Eyes | How Alcohol Causes Puffy Eyes

There’s nothing wrong with going out for a night of drinking with your buddies every now and then. However, you don’t want a night of fun to turn into a morning of disaster.
You should drink responsibly and consume plenty of water when out for a night on the town. And you shouldn’t neglect your skincare regimen, either.
Staying up until the early hours of the morning is bound to have a negative impact on your skin. An increased risk of acne is honestly the least of your worries.
What many people may not realize is that alcohol has the potential to make your skin dry and puffy. It’s not great if you have things to attend to, but fortunately, you have some options to get your skin back to looking normal.
How Alcohol Affects Your Eyes
The most notable impact alcohol has on your eyes is with vision. Things may appear blurry, which is why you should never, under any circumstances, drink and drive. But that’s only the beginning.
Swollen and Puffy Eyes
Alcohol consumption can lead to bloating around the body. This includes your eyelids, which can lead to them becoming swollen.
Combined with poorer vision, this can make your eyesight even worse. It can be tough to keep your eyes open for a prolonged period of time, so make sure to call it a night when you start having problems.
Bloodshot Eyes
Bloodshot eyes occur when the blood vessels in them become large and fill with blood. This causes normally white eyes to look red.
Alcohol creates a higher likelihood of that happening due to its diuretic properties. This means it dries out your body because you’re urinating more often.
This shouldn’t be a long-term issue. Your eyes should return to normal once the alcohol has left your system.
Dry Eyes
Alcohol being a diuretic also means it will dry out your eyes. You may notice your eyes feeling itchy or scratchy after consuming alcohol.
This is a sign of dehydration, which is why you should drink plenty of water even when you’re out partying. A good rule of thumb is to have one glass of water for every alcoholic beverage you consume to keep those fluids moving.
Dark Circles Under Eyes
Sometimes the worst skin problems from alcohol are only indirectly related to the booze. Alcohol may make you feel sleepy, but it’s unlikely you’ll stay that way for long.
Alcohol can disrupt your normal sleeping pattern. You may catch some Z’s initially, but you may feel restless and disturbed for much of the night.
An inability to get a good night’s rest can result in dark circles under your eyes. To remedy this, you just need to go back to your normal sleep schedule consisting of seven to eight hours of solid slumber per night.
How to Fix Puffy Eyes from Alcohol
You have a few options if you don’t like how your eyes look after a night of drinking. First, you need to get rehydrated. Drink plenty of water the next day. Also, you should try to avoid additional diuretics like coffee the following morning.
You also want to avoid overly salty foods. Salt results in water retention, which can make you feel bloated, even around the eyes.
It may sound simple enough, but alcohol isn’t the only thing you’re likely consuming when you’re out having fun. Margaritas are tasty, but they tend to come with a salt brim, which can enhance the effects of puffiness. Watch out for other substances, like soda, that could have a negative impact on your skin, as well.
The best advice is to avoid drinking too much. Limit your alcohol consumption to a drink or two per night, and you shouldn’t have a problem.
Gross, Dennis M.D. “How to Enjoy Happy Hour—Without Ruining Your Skin.” Observer, 30 Jun. 2017.
Nafulin, Julia. “11 Reasons You Have Puffy Eyes—And How to Fix Them.” Health, 12 Sep. 2017.
Steinwurtzel, Grace. “The Reason You Get Dry Eyes While Drinking, According to Science.” Spoon University.
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